Sculpture of Thoughts

« Thinking Art, Art of thinking,
is thinking a plastic form ?
Forum des images – Paris | september 18, 1999

The Sculpture of thoughts is conceived as a course of interventions by personalities of various spheres: scientists, philosophers, poets, musicians, dancers… A debate produced on the theme of the expression of thought, that will explore an artist’s place in today’s world facing science, philosophy, and more broadly, our society. The thinking process reveals itself through sounds, images, gestures or ideas and the science of intuition. 

« From East to West,
is there a more wonderful journey
than from Idea to Image ? »

The Idea – 1999
Lacquer on wood
35,4 inch x 26,7 inch

The Image’s consecration – 1999
Television, neon light, lacquer
39,4 inch x 31,5 inch x 25,6 inch



TWO MAD HEADS, Richard Quine,1963, film excerpt.
PARIS N’EXISTE PAS, Robert Benayoun,1968, film extract.
Talk by Jean Pierre Luminet,
astrophysicist at the Meudon observatory, researcher at CNRS, poet, and author of many books such « Black Holes » and « Poets and Universe ».
“RAGA – improvisation, karnatic song” by Aruna Sayeeram,
master singer of South India traditional music.
 Talk by Edgar Morin,
president of the Association On complexity,
author of many books: « The Method », « Thinking Europe »…
Talk by Michel Bitbol,
researcher at CNRS, author of « Schrodinger’s Philosophy of Quantum Mechanics ».
Talk by Alain Prochiantz,
neurobiologist, author of many books such
« How the brain evolved ».
« Pozen », choreography by Barbara Sarreau, dancer.
Paysage après la Bataille séquence vidéo d’Angelin Prejlocaj,
choreographer and director of the Ballet Prejlocaj.
LA CITE FOUDROYEE, Luitz-Morat, 1924, film excerpt.
PARIS QUI DORT, René Clair, 1923, film excerpt.
Talk by Stanislas Dehaene,
Mathematician and researcher in cognitive sciences,
author of « Reading in the brain »
« De Rerum Natura » of Lucrèce, extract by Philippe Brunet
Hellenist and Theatre Demodocos founder.
Talk by Jean-Michel Besnier,
philosopher, author of many books like « Les théories de la connaissance ».
« Pyctogryphs » , paintings by Mathias Schauwecker,
Swiss painter, living in Paris.
Talk by Monique Sicard,
Researcher at CNRS, biologist and philosopher.
Talk by Démosthènes Davvetas,
Poet, writer and art critic.
CARNETS DE NOTE SUR VETEMENTS ET VILLES, Wim Wenders, 1989, documentary excerpt.
LOIN DE BEYROUTH, Jules-César Murraciole, 1993,
documentary excerpt.
LA FLUTE ENCHANTEE, Ingmar Bergman, 1975, film excerpt.